In response to the Lady Gaga "call-for-entries" we chose to create our own video submission. One of the things I love about her as an artist is the way she and her team continue to create unique concepts and material. As a part of her current Monster tour she is accepting video content from the public which is incorporated into her tour video as an ongoing, ever evolving group project. Amazing!
Emily, Matthew and Danielle. (Photo by Jim Mullin).
We shot the video in December and with the help of our amazing videographers (Jim McKenzie and Matt Cornelison) we were able to transform the interiors of my apartment into a surreal and urban backdrop.
Emily, Danielle and Midori. (Photo by Jim Mullin).
The theme Lady gaga chose for this project was "Apocalypse", so our costumes and makeup reflected a futuristic and urban look influenced heavily by, of course, Lady Gaga. We were lucky to work with Emy CraCra (of Tres Jolie by Emy) and Angel Romero for hair and makeup and Jim Mullin supplied the wardrobe from his JM Couture line. I will upload links to the final video once its edited, but for now, here are some "behind the scenes stills"!
Midori, makeup and hair by Angel Romero.Here are some details of the makeup and hair concepts created by Emy Cracra and Angel Romero.
Midori, makeup and hair by Angel Romero.
Emily, makeup by Emy Cracra, hair by Angel Romero. (Photo by Jim Mullin).

Danielle, makeup by Emy Cracra, hair by Angel Romero. (Photo by Jim Mullin).
Matthew, makeup by Angel Romero.
This was such a fun project from beginning to end and came out even better then we expected. It reminds me that sometimes we just need an excuse to round up or friends and fellow artists and get creative! So get to it! For those interested, there is still time to submit your entries. Just go to her link and upload your material:
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